Monday, December 8, 2008

2 and 2

Ciao everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend, I know mine was filled with studying and tedium for most of the days I had, with limited breaks to enjoy some company . . . and study some more. I don't think the next one I have in 3 hours is going to be all that horrible, but it has potential to be vicious if it wanted to be. My professor isn't like that though, and I doubt he'd accent things that really weren't that special, but it's worth some more studying.

I planned on updating all weekend, and then I just decided it'd be a bit of uninteresting tidbits about how bored I was studying and how ready I am for it to be over. I just got back from my second final, first of my three core classes. It wasn't too bad and I feel like I got an A in that class . . . at least I hope I got an A. I worked a lot in there, a lot more than most did, and I hope it pays off in the end. It'd be nice to get that straight-up A and float the GPA a bit.

Next I have a final from 3-6, and then another tomorrow at the same time, and I imagine that one being the most difficult, so wish me luck between now and then I guess.

In other news, a week from today I'll have said goodbye to all my friends here in Rome and the city itself, which will be a little difficult, not going to lie, but that post comes in a few days, now is not the time for that. And I'll say bonjour Paris, et au revoir aussi, parce que je vais aller au Barcelona. Woohoo. 8 days til I'm home . . . whoa.

Also, Kirsten has been in riot central in Athens, and I can't say that makes me feel all that comfortable, and her program's inept handling of this (and really every other situation) is beyond inane and ridiculously stupid. Glad she'll be out of there soon, for sure. And then it's off to home, where we don't have to worry about riots all the time. At least she won't, it's something I don't tend have to worry here.

I'll post some pictures of seeing the Vatican Christmas tree, which I must say was cool in its place, but ultimately looked a bit sparse. I'm sorry this update is a little rushed and uneventful, but I'm back to studying for now. I'll chat again soon and let you know what else is going on, but until then,


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