Sunday, July 20, 2008

Inching Closer

So today marks a month from the first day I'm in Europe, and yesterday marked a month til I leave for Roma.

In case you were wondering, I feel simultaneously both insanely excited and outrageously unprepared to live in a foreign country for 4 months. I speak no Italian (though I've done a little research into assuring I can pronounce most letter groupings correctly), I don't know exactly what I'm taking (but I know I'll have the space), and I hardly know where I'm living, what I'm taking, and how much time I'll have to travel (but that's not too much of anything to worry about). I am not much of a chef either, and I have to make all my own meals or eat out, so this could be an interesting experience too, no doubt. I've got to figure out cell phone and sim card goodness this week too, but Skype is going to be the chief form of overseas communication I think. I'll update with my Skype stuff when I make sure I have it all set up the way I want it.

But it's not even a month away. I looked at my Visa last night and took a long, hard look at my passport, and I got really excited thinking about how different it's going to look in just a few months, but even more than that, how different I'm going to be from these experiences (even if those differences leave me completely broke). Excited much hardly begins to describe it.

In other news, I saw the Dark Knight with Kirsten on Friday, and whoa. Worth the hype. Worth the wait. Go see it if you haven't. And yes, I am still working at Gap Kids, and getting a few more hours. Retail is a weird, weird world, and I'm learning a lot, I just wish I could be working a bit more, but with time I guess that will come (and the fact that I'm going to start getting more and more hours the closer I get to leaving is the exact opposite of what I would've hoped for, but what can you do?). Oh, and I've watched Arrested Development entirely this summer--aka the greatest comedy television series I've ever seen--and I'm a season into It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and it's been pretty awesome too. Both worth watching, especially AD.

Anddddd I'm bummed KK is leaving all next week. I am going to be moving back home though, hard to argue with that excitement, it's a bummer she's outta town and can't come see it all as we move in. Plus, we're apart a lot here in a month so it sucks she's out of town, but we've had tons of quality time together and there's plenty more to come in the next few weeks.

So, on the horizon:

*Moving into our house after 2 years of waiting.
*Getting a cell phone for Europa
*Working at Gap Kids
*Flugtag Saturday after next, who can't be excited about that?
*Europe in a month . . . and I can't wait


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