Sunday, July 27, 2008

Odds and Ends

So I'm just over 3 weeks out from leaving, and still trying to get this updating to be a force of habit. I really do want this to keep up when I'm abroad if for no other reason than to keep track of what I did after it's all said and done. This portion of my journey is an interesting one, insofar as that I am completely finished with all the paperwork, visas, travel arrangements, and documentation, but yet to start my actual trip. Soooooo not that exciting to talk about.

I looked in to cell phones like I said I was going to, and it's expensive to do much of anything, but not prohibitively so. It looks like cell phones run about 35-60 American cents per minute, while SkypeOut offers roughly 25 cents a minute to do the same calls. Gotta love the internet. I think I'll have it in my room, so that'd make my talking a bit easier, especially if anyone has Skype, since I can just talk to you for free! Also, since I'll be dealing with a 2-4 siesta every day, I'll have plenty of time to Skype / email / blog / facebook / you name it. I'll post my Skype ID when I start it up again, but as of right now I've still got craig.david.hill as my ID.

But other than that excitement, I'm just putting in work, earning some money and oh yeah, moving back into my house. After 2 years of construction, setbacks, frustration, and much mockery from myself at my family who honestly believed we'd finish on schedule all along, I'm typing this blog at my kitchen table. It's really nice to have a home again, albeit for about oh 4 weeks. Come by and visit me if you're up in the neighborhood, I'd love to give you the grand tour.

I hope all's well in your respective worlds all any of you who read this as of yet, it's going live on Facebook with tagging galore probably in about 2 weeks when things get even closer. Anyway, off to work.


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